Oklahoma City Administrative Win

While The Rudnicki Firm opened its doors in February 2017, our attorneys have been making waves in Oklahoma for long before that. This is the second in a series on past wins accomplished by the lawyers that now make up the The Rudnicki Firm team.


On Thursday, July 2, 2015, Leah Rudnicki went before the Oklahoma City Board of Adjustment, a quasi-judicial forum, seeking a variance from a zoning rule so her client, Trey Resources, Inc. (“Trey.”) could drill 12 horizontal oil and gas wells within the city limits and near residential homes.  In January 2015, prior to Leah Rudnicki taking the lead, the Board denied Trey's request to drill two wells on the same tract of land.  On July 2, 2015, close to 20 home owners appeared to protest Trey's application to drill, and the surface owner, Shaz Investments Inc. d/b/a Home Creations, a building developer had lawyers and witnesses protest the applications. The protesters raised several issues including fear of earthquakes, contamination of drinking water and ponds, traffic, noise, and light pollution, increased child safety, diminished house values, fracking, and exposure to poisonous gas.  The Board is supposed to be made up of 5 members and it takes 3 members to approve.  One seat on the board is vacant and one member recused himself at the hearing Thursday.  Thus, for approval Trey had to convince all three members, each of whom denied the previous application.  After three hours of presentations, testimony, and questions from the Board, all three members determined Trey had met its burden for the variances and approved the applications for the 12 wells.  The Board conditioned its approval and Trey agreed to build 8 foot sight proof fencing, add trees, use noise reduction barriers, and consider light use.

Leah Rudnicki also sought and received approval for a special exception for a disposal well for Trey.  The approval for the 12 horizontal wells and the disposal well went in effect since no appeal was filed.  All other permits have been obtained.  Two local TV media crews and other media attended the hearing.

HERE is a link to the story that ran on local news on the night of July 2, 2015 in reference to this, and HERE is a link to the article that ran in the Oklahoma.